"Ha milliomos akarsz lenni, alapíts vallást."
An industry of Death Exhibit La vérité sur ses abus |
Xenu, a galaktika ura
Az egyház szerint ennek a történetnek az elmondása szerzői jogokat sért meg. Mivel ez a történet egy amerikai bírósági tárgyaláson tanúvallomásként elhangzott, az Egyesült Államok törvényei szerint tanúvallomásként nyilvános köztulajdonnak számít.
Xenu története fontos szerepet játszik az egyház mitológiájában, csak a szcientológia magasabb szintjét elérő, ún. OT III-as egyháztagok hallhatják. A mitológia szerint a gonosz Xenu 75 millió évvel ezelőtt az egész Galaxisból sok milliárd űrlényt fogdosott össze, lefagyasztotta őket, és leginkább a mai DC-3-as típusú repülőgépekre hasonlító űrhajókkal a Földre hozta őket, s itt egy vulkánba dobta a lefagyasztott lényeket, a vulkánt pedig felrobbantotta egy hidrogénbombával. Az űrlények kiszabaduló lelkeit egy speciálisan e célra épített „lélekszívóval” fogta fel, majd a fogoly lelkeket „agymosásnak” vetette alá, s így engedte szabadon őket. Az űrlények lelkei, a „thetánok”, később az evolúció során az emberi lényekben találtak otthonra. (wiki)
Tanulság: nem tudsz akkora baromsággal előrukkolni, hogy ne higgyék el embertársaid. Szűz Mária meg egy fordítási hiba miatt lett szűz, szegény. Aki nem hiszi, járjon utána.
L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology's founder, was critical of psychiatry. Referring to psychiatrists as "psychs", Hubbard regarded psychiatrists as denying human spirituality and peddling fake cures. He was also convinced that psychiatrists were themselves deeply unethical individuals, committing "extortion, mayhem and murder. Our files are full of evidence on them."
Anti-psychiatric themes also appear in some of Hubbard's fictional works. In Hubbard's ten-volume series Mission Earth, various characters debate the methods and validity of psychology. In his novel Battlefield Earth, the evil Catrists (a pun on psychiatrists), are described as a group of charlatans claiming to be mental health experts, who rule the alien Psychlo species (whose name means "brain" or "property of" in the Psychlo language). The vicious and degraded Psychlos of Battlefield Earth are often speculated to be Hubbard's personal idea of what psychiatry would end up doing to humanity if left unchallenged by Scientology.
A number of psychiatrists have strongly spoken out against the Church of Scientology. After Hubbard's book, Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health was published, the American Psychological Association advised its members against using Hubbard's techniques with their patients. Hubbard came to believe that psychiatrists were behind a worldwide conspiracy to attack Scientology and create a "world government" run by psychiatrists on behalf of the USSR:
Our enemies are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains and they, oddly enough, run all the mental health groups in the world that had sprung up […]. Their apparent programme was to use mental health, which is to say psychiatric electric shock and pre-frontal lobotomy, to remove from their path any political dissenters […]. These fellows have gotten nearly every government in the world to owe them considerable quantities of money through various chicaneries and they control, of course, income tax, government finance — [Harold] Wilson, for instance, the current Premier of England, is totally involved with these fellows and talks about nothing else actually.
Hubbard's efforts to cast the field of psychiatry as the source of all of humanity's problems are exemplified in a policy letter written in 1971, in which he attempted to redefine the word "psychiatrist" to mean "an antisocial enemy of the people":
Psychiatry and psychiatrist are easily redefined to mean 'an antisocial enemy of the people.' This takes the kill-crazy psychiatrist off the preferred list of professions. This is a good use of the technique [of redefining words] as for a century the psychiatrist has been setting an all-time record for inhumanity to Man.
The Church of Scientology and psychiatry
A 1969 book, Believe What You Like, described an attempt by Scientologists to secretly infiltrate the National Association of Mental Health in Britain and turn official policy against mental health treatment. Though they were expelled from the organization after their identity and mission were revealed, the Church of Scientology then filed a number of suits against the NAMH.
When Operation Snow White, a Church of Scientology campaign to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard, was revealed in 1980, it came to light that Scientology agents of the Guardian's Office had also conducted a similar campaign against the World Federation for Mental Health and the National Association of Mental Health.
Scientology's views are expressed by its president in the following quote:
What the Church opposes are brutal, inhumane psychiatric treatments. It does so for three principal reasons: 1) procedures such as electro-shock, drugs and lobotomy injure, maim and destroy people in the guise of help; 2) psychiatry is not a science and has no proven methods to justify the billions of dollars of government funds that are poured into it; and 3) psychiatric theories that man is a mere animal have been used to rationalize, for example, the wholesale slaughter of human beings in World Wars I and II.
An October 2006 article in the Evening Standard underlines the strong opposition of Scientology toward the psychiatric profession:
Up front, David Miscavige is dramatically — and somewhat bizarrely — attacking psychiatrists, his words backed by clips from a Scientology-produced DVD are broadcast on four giant high-definition TV screens and sensationally called: Psychiatry: an industry of death [...]. ‘A woman is safer in a park at midnight than on a psychiatrist's couch’, booms Miscavige, backed by savage graphics of psychiatrists — or ‘psychs’ as he calls them — being machine-gunned out of existence.
Warning sign at Psychiatry: An Industry of Death, a Scientology-run museum in Los Angeles
The group says that they are near victory in their war against psychiatry. In their treatise Those Who Oppose Scientology, it is stated:
Today, there are 500 Dianeticists and Scientologists to every psychiatrist […] while Scientology is more visible than ever, with churches dotting every continent on Earth and millions of parishioners around the world, one is hard pressed to find even a single psychiatrist with a shingle on his door.
Scientology claims a worldwide membership of more than 8 million, the total of people who have taken the Scientology introductory course. The Church of Scientology claims 3.5 million members in the United States, though an independent survey has found the number of people in the United States would state their religion as 'Scientology' is close to 55,000. By comparison, the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association, which are composed of psychiatrists and psychologists, have 38,000 and 148,000 members respectively.
Mental health care professionals are not concerned that the public will take CCHR materials seriously, because of the organization's connection with the church; however, they argue that these materials can have a harmful impact when quoted without attribution.
Except for court trials and media publications and public rallies, published materials have received little notice outside of Scientology and CCHR; of reviews available, few are positive. Psychology professor Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi's short review of Psychiatrists: The Men Behind Hitler states:
Scientology has attracted much attention through its propaganda effort against what it calls psychiatry. This has involved great expense and organizational effort, carried out through a variety of fronts. If the book Psychiatrists: The Men Behind Hitler (Roder, Kubillus, & Burwell, 1995) is a representative example, and I believe it is, it proves decisively that the campaign is rooted in total paranoia and pathetic ignorance. Reading this book, and I will urge you not to waste too much time doing it, makes clear that the authors simply have no idea what psychiatry is.
The American Psychiatric Association's Lynn Schultz-Writsel adds:
We have not responded in any way, shape or form. There has not been a hue and cry from members to respond. And anyway, the publication speaks for itself.
Michael Burke, the president of the Kansas Psychiatric Association, said regarding Scientology, "They aren't really able to support their position with any scientific data, which they tend to ignore. … the public seems to be able to look right past the Scientology hoopla."
The commercial motivation of Scientology in questioning psychiatry, with their alternative practice, dianetics, has been questioned by Peter W. Huber.
Scientology helped to expose Harry Bailey, a controversial Australian psychiatrist. Bailey bore the primary responsibility for treatment of mental patients via Deep sleep therapy, and other methods, at a Sydney mental hospital in the 1970s. He has been linked with the deaths of a total of 85 patients, and committed suicide before he could be punished. (wikipedia)
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