
a Petőfi laktanyát őrző In-Kal
Most eltekintünk az In-Kal koronás seriffcsillagján való élcelődéstől, cserében megcélozzuk a paranoid összeesküvéselméletekre fogékony piaci szegmenst. Nézzétek, testvéreim, erősen plágiumszagúak ezen logók. Vagy az In-Kal lopta a seriffjelvényt a Golan Security-től, avagy fordítva. Esetleg Tel-Avivtól Budapestig, értitek. Nyugger moszadosok emeszpés házizenekara. Ilyesmi.
A megoldásig olvasgassák a konteo (konspirációs teóriák) blogot:
"Mert összeesküdni is jó, de összeesküvéselméletet gyártani, terjeszteni és erősíteni még jobb."
GOLAN SECURITY Személy-és vagyonvédelmi Kft. Székhely, 2600 Vác, Kápolna u 8. Iroda, 2120 Fót, Fehérkő u. 1. Tel. / Fax 06 27 360 222 info@golansecurity.hu
In-Kal Security 2000 Kft. 1146 Budapest, Thököly út 68. Telefon: (+36 1) 273 2210, (+36 1) 273 2211. Telefax: (+36 1) 273 2215Publish Post
kapcsolódó: nyomozás Lasz György eltűnt emléktáblája után, a titokzatos Security 861
4 megjegyzés:
Golan Group has been dedicated to combating international terrorism and the protection of corporate assets, government facilities, and diplomat security since 1987 and is extremely proud of our record.
When you deal with Golan Group, you are dealing with an advanced technology security company who is dedicated to the protection and safety of our clients not just another disinterested security consulting company – we are in the business of saving lives and are serious about it.
xecutive Protection
Maritime Security
Vehicle Armoring
CornerShot™ Weapon System
Risk Analysis
Crisis Management
Facilities Security
Security Training
Israeli Hand-to-Hand Combat (Krav Maga)
Protective/Evasive Driving
Security Awareness
Weapons Training & Instinctive Shooting
April 2007 - Golan Group reported that it plans to expand its program of anti-terrorism security on the high seas - "Several times over the past year we've quietly placed tactical security teams on board a cruise ship," said Thomas Pearson, head of operations for Golan Group's maritime program. "In every instance, the passengers welcomed our presence but more importantly we filled a void in countering terror threats to their vacation," he added.
According to Pearson, for the past year Golan Group has positioned 3 and 4-person teams of trained security specialists on selected itineraries of Oceania Cruises. Virtually all of the team members are trained in Israeli special security tactics which were adapted to maritime applications, Pearson noted.
Golan Group is an international security corporation with an impeccable record of delivering quality products and services with a focus on total customer satisfaction. Golan Group is a U.S. registered and certified Woman-owned Small Business Corporation. When you deal with Golan Group, you are dealing with an advanced technology security company who is dedicated to the protection and safety of our clients not just another disinterested security consulting company – we are in the business of saving lives and are serious about it. Golan Group has been dedicated to combating international terrorism and the protection of corporate assets, government facilities, and diplomat security since 1987 and is extremely proud of our record.
Our Management Team, production and training development teams include experts from Israel, the U.S., Europe and Latin America. They draw on a wide range of expertise from military backgrounds and federal, state, and municipal law enforcement agencies.
Our X-ray manufacturing facilities and the security products and systems produced are known for their superior quality, ease of use and are second to none for professional fit and finish. The care and quality of craftsmanship given each inspection system is self-evident. The quality of workmanship, materials and technology used in the production of a Golan Group X-ray inspection system, metal detector subsystem and armored vehicles gives our clients the most advanced security solutions technology available in the market today.
Golan Group offers the industry's widest selection of security products and services, ranging from the industries highest resolution fluoroscopic technology X-ray screening equipment, the world’s first cost effective intermodal container inspection system, the new Portal Scan to the most advanced armored vehicles available. Whatever the level of protection, you can be assured that your total safety rests in the skilled hands of the world's most experienced craftsmen and security technicians. Paramount to our success is the selection of the quality security products and superior materials used to create each system. Golan Group uses only proven, dependable manufacturers and suppliers that implement their own high standards of quality control systems and guarantee the integrity, survivability and test quality standards of their products. When security is a paramount concern Golan Group delivers the total solution from equipment, training, installation and service after install.
Today, Golan Group is recognized as a leader in providing integrated and global security solutions and products. From top-of-the-line security products, strategic analysis and planning, security consulting services, security training programs to full scale logistic and maintenance support programs and we stand ready to assist you and your agency in establishing a superior quality total security solution.
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