28 kerékpár tárolója a bécsi Múzeumnegyedben. Napelemekkel működtetett éjszakai világítás, Michelangelo érdeklődve figyel.
elkövető: MN*LS design studió és a PPAG építésziroda kooperációja
Fahrradständer "Laokoon"
Bicycle stand, bike parking station
Museumsquartier Wien
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
elkészülte: 2010
Bécsben lehet a metrón biciklit szállítani. Igaz, hétköznap csak 9-15 óráig, és hétvégén. (criticalmass)
PPAG architects (Anna Popelka and Georg Poduschka) designed, in cooperation with MN*LS a bicycle stand for the MQ. It results from a very sculptural idea, which is visible in the stand itself as with different filling stages which transform the stand to a public stage for the beautiness of the bicycles itself.
By the color change of the continous rod which alternately becomes a ridge and a spiral, starts up and gets back along the ground, reminds of the assembled bicycle frames or deloberately creates confusion.
There are different ways of array-/hanging, lean on the side, etc. for large and small wheels. A hint of a bicycle repair shop with a pump or fitness training with a spinning bike. A solar-powered night light is built into the concept. The poster also roundet up the gas station idea at this point (Mq-fuel).
MQ Bike parking station_2010
MN*LS has designed a bike parking station for MuseumsQuartier Wien that includes different types of bike parking systems combined together achieving a sculptural composition. The station includes a solar panel that provide energy to the LED lamps that illuminates the whole station at nights. Apart from that, it also includes a tire pomp, a static bike with dynamo to produce light while exercising/playing. It also includes information panels and billboards for communication. This bike station was designed to be integrated in the MuseumsQuartier public space with the objective of making an element that would fit between the sculptural installation, and the functional element. The flexibility of the system makes it adaptable to different situations and spaces. This project was realized in cooperation with the architecture studio PPAG, Wien.
Enzo outdoor furniture_2010
Enzo is a project of outdoor furniture for the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna, an evolution from a previous outdoor installation, "Enzis", that were destroyed by a fire in Winter 2009. "The need to replace so many seating elements at once brought with it the possibility and necessity to consider changing the appearance and introducing technical improvements," says MuseumsQuartier Director Wolfgang Waldner. Not only the design is new, the next generation furniture has also been produced using technology that that makes it more fireproof and more resistant to damage. PPAG, the authors of the previous project, Enzi, consulted Us, product designers MN*LS to develop the new project Enzo. "Working with Margarita Navarro and Ludwig Slezak brought important new aspects to the project because as product designers their approach is quite different from ours in many respects. After extensive research, we jointly came up with the ideal solution. We are especially pleased with the outcome because after seven years we welcomed the opportunity to create a new and improved version." says PPAG. Enthusiasts will be pleased to know that the Enzos can now be ordered directly for purchase in various color possibilities.
Die Nachfrage nach Fahrradständern hat im Wiener MuseumsQuartier in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Der neue Fahrradständer wurde von MN*LS und den Architekten PPAG in Kooperation entworfen. Er bietet den NutzerInnen unterschiedlichste Möglichkeiten der Aufstellung und -hängung.
Die "Fahrrad-Laokoon-Gruppe" soll aber nicht nur funktionalen Ansprüchen gerecht werden, sondern auch den Aufstellungsort als Kunst- und Kulturareal betonen und die Schönheit von Fahrrädern im öffentlichen Raum inszenieren.
Durch die Farbwechsel der durchlaufenden Stange, die abwechselnd zum Kamm und zur Spirale wird, hochläuft und dann wieder am Boden entlanggeht, kommt die Erinnerung an zusammengebaute Fahrradrahmen auf. Bewusst wird eine Figur-/Grundverwirrung erzeugt. Zudem ist eine Andeutung einer Fahrradwerkstatt mit Pumpe, an Fitnesstraining mit Standrad sowie ein solarbetriebenes Abendlicht im Konzept integriert.
Auf dem Ständer, der zunächst auf dem Vorplatz stehen wird, aber mobil im gesamten Areal eingesetzt werden kann, finden 28 Fahrräder Platz.
Kategorie: Produkt- und Industriedesign (Sonstiges), Interventionen im Außenraum (alle)
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at origi Laokoon szoborcsoport (fotó: Peter Fast) |
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