2011. július 6., szerda

Napi abszurd: a Műegyetem rakparton keresztbe tett trafó

You keep everyone separated so the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. The brain never comes out in the open. (The Cube)

Műegyetem rakpart 2011
Ha Ön pitiáner zsákmányállatként még bízik abban, hogy a magasabb pozícióban, a táplálkozási lánc másik végén terpeszkedő urak és parancsolók érdemeik és tudásuk miatt kerültek a megfelelő magaslatra, akkor nézze meg ezt és keresse elő a nagyapjától örökölt Lügert. Molotov-koktélt. Macskakövet. Kedves elvtársak és bajtársak, itt már csak a forradalom és a tömeges lincselés segíthet. Uszítás vége.

Segghülye tervező odaálmodta, kivitelező megvonta a vállát, melós megcsinálta. Lehet aggódni Paks és úgy általában az ország jövője miatt. Nem egy természetfeletti Gonosz teszi pokollá az életünket, hanem a sok kis sunyi, nemtörödöm, vállvonogató hülye. Majd csak lesz valahogy, nemde? Mindig volt valahogy. Olyan még nem volt, hogy ne lett volna valahogy. This is not my job.

Helyszín: Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart, kerékpárút, gyalogjárda

Műegyetem rakpart, elektromos szekrény
Műegyetem rakpart gyorshajtásgátlóval és naplementével
Égjen ez a gyertya azokért,
akik ilyen szerencsétlenül helyezték ide ezt az elektromos szekrényt
Most ez megy
Mindenki csak parancsot teljesített, mi, faszarcok? Tessék megnézni a Kocka c. filmet, magyarázat alant 34.54 magasságában.

{50203}{50247}Answer the question, Worth.
{50303}{50342}Oh, god.
{50453}{50497}Who are you?
{50753}{50797}I'm the poison.
{50851}{50900}I designed the hollow shell.
{50945}{50978}- What?
{50978}{51022}The shell. The sarcophagus.
{51028}{51072}You built this thing?
{51072}{51117}Not this part. The exterior.
{51117}{51200}I don't know anything about the numbers or anything else in here.
{51203}{51277}I was contracted to draw plans for a hollow shell.
{51329}{51352}A cube.
{51379}{51427}A cube? Why didn't you tell us?
{51478}{51550}God saint. Worth, you knew what it was.
{51629}{51703}Worth. You're lying.
{51804}{51847}Was not at first.
{51879}{51922}Who's behind it?
{51979}{52022}I don't know.
{52029}{52072}Who hired you?
{52104}{52147}I didn't ask.
{52199}{52227}I never left my office.
{52240}{52310}I talked in the phone with some people. Other guys like me.
{52310}{52365}Specialist working on small details.
{52365}{52400}Nobody knew what it was.
{52410}{52454}Nobody cared.
{52454}{52503}Bullshit. You knew from square one.
{52515}{52607}Look at him. He is up to decide who was in this thing.
{52629}{52678}No. Quentin. That's the way things work.
{52704}{52753}You keep everyone separated so the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
{52799}{52827}The brain never comes out in the open.
{52879}{52923}Whose brain?
{52929}{52978}It's all the same machine, right!
{52923}{53104}The Pentagone, multinational corporations, the police.
{53104}{53180}You do one little job, you build the *** inside the ***
{53180}{53245}and the next thing you know is too much under
{53245}{53354}the guess of the essential component of the death machine.
{53354}{53423}I was right. All along my whole life.
{53423}{53476}I knew it. I told you, Quentin.
{53476}{53530}Nobody is going to call me paranoid again.
{53549}{53604}We gotta get out of here and blow the leader of this thing!
{53755}{53804}Holloway, you don't get it.
{53810}{53880}Then help me, please, I need to know.
{53880}{53965}It's maybe hard for you to understand.
{53965}{54010}There's no conspirancy.
{54010}{54060}Nobody is in charge.
{54065}{54178}It's a headless plunder operating under the ilusion of a master plan.
{54178}{54212}Can you grasp that?
{54230}{54274}Big brother is not watching you.
{54330}{54379}- What kind of fuckin' explanation is that?
{54379}{54408}It's the best you are gonna get.
{54408}{54470}I looked and the only conclusion I can get is that
{54470}{54495}there is nobody up there.
{54495}{54555}Somebody has to say yes to this thing
{54555}{54604}What thing? Only we know what it is.
{54604}{54678}We have no idea what it is. - We know more than anybody else.
{54678}{54740}I mean, somebody might to know before they got ...
{54740}{54806}they got fired, or booted out, or sold it,
{54806}{54850}but if this place had never had a purpose
{54850}{54915}when we got miscommunicated or lost in a shufle.
{54920}{54960}I mean, this is and accident,
{54967}{55040}a forgotten perpetual public work project
{55054}{55098}Do you think anybody wants to ask questions.
{55098}{55143}All they want is a clear concience
{55143}{55180}and a ***
{55204}{55253}I worked for months on this one. This was a great job!
{55304}{55353}Why put people in it?
{55379}{55453}Because it's here. You have to use it or you admit it's pointless.
{55479}{55528}But it is pointless.
{55554}{55603}Quentin. That's my point.
{55654}{55698}What have we come to?
{55729}{55778}It's so much worse than I thought.
{55804}{55853}Not really. Just more pathetic.
{55904}{55948}You make me sick, Worth.
{55954}{55998}I make me sick too.
{56004}{56078}We're both part of the system.
{56104}{56148}I do a box, you do a *** It's like you said, Quentin.
{56155}{56245}Let's keep your head down, keep it simple, just look at what it's in front of you.
{56245}{56325}I mean, nobody wants to see the big picture. It's too complicated.
{56379}{56453}I mean, let's face it, the reason we're here is that it's out of control.
{56779}{56828}This is how we ruin the world?
{56852}{56940}- Well, have you even have a clue on your lives?
{56940}{57050}I don't feel guilty for ruining the world since I was like 7.
{57060}{57140}God, if you need someone to blame, throw a rock.
{57329}{57373}- Now, I feel better.
{57379}{57428}- That's why you stayed with us.
{57454}{57498}To confess.

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