Whatever you do ,you must STAY away from this place altogether.
It is a hostess bar and if you enter you will have trouble leaving unless you pay an extremely high bill.
There will be a girl on the door trying to get you in, saying that it is a strip club and that you only need to buy one drink. But once you are in you are surrounded by several girls and before you know what is happening several bottles of champagne are placed on the table. Y
ou are then treated to a short lapdance, and questioning by the girls as to where your hotel is. What you dont realise at the time is that as soon as you have entered the club the doors are locked and you are trapped.
The atmosphere soon turns nasty if you refuse to say where you are staying and then you are presented with the bill which runs into the hundreds of thousands. At this point you are threatened if you refuse to pay.
If you dont have the cash you are marched to the nearest cashpoint and made to withdraw the said amount which goes up if you argue with the doormen.
There is also a money exchange shop on the corner which you must not use at any cost, as you will be robbed of every penny you have. These guys are armed and it is made crystal clear that if you do not pay up you will either be seriously hurt or will be made to disappear.
Do NOT go into MADAME POMPADOUR CLUB on Vaci Utca.
Tips if you do find yourself in one of these places and are stuck:
Do NOT go into any money Exchange shops even if they have the Western Union signs, you will lose every penny you have.
Do NOT argue about the price as it will just go up and up.
Do NOT mention what hotel/hostel you are staying in,pretend that you know where it is, say it is on the other side of the city and that you cant remember the name of it.
REMEMBER these guys are armed, money can be replaced, you cant. http://www.budapest-tourist-guide.com/madame-pompadour-vaci-utca.html
Budapest legforgalmasabb sétáló utcájában, a Váci utcában található szép és hangulatos kis bárunk, melynek színpadán folyamatos "striptease-t és tabledance-t" láthat gyönyörű lányok előadásában.
F-LIGHT'32 VENDÉGLÁTÓ KFT. VÁCI UTCA 32. 1052 BUDAPEST Telefon: 06-1 267-0228 E-mail: Üzenet küldése Honlap: navratil.freeweb.hu
ne bassz...
VálaszTörlésháezvan, motiváció ist konyec nálunk, Trurl is inkább a Gödörben vedel :DDD
VálaszTörlésMadame Pompadour, Vaci utca
VálaszTörlésby the krusader
Whatever you do ,you must STAY away from this place altogether.
It is a hostess bar and if you enter you will have trouble leaving unless you pay an extremely high bill.
There will be a girl on the door trying to get you in, saying that it is a strip club and that you only need to buy one drink. But once you are in you are surrounded by several girls and before you know what is happening several bottles of champagne are placed on the table. Y
ou are then treated to a short lapdance, and questioning by the girls as to where your hotel is. What you dont realise at the time is that as soon as you have entered the club the doors are locked and you are trapped.
The atmosphere soon turns nasty if you refuse to say where you are staying and then you are presented with the bill which runs into the hundreds of thousands. At this point you are threatened if you refuse to pay.
If you dont have the cash you are marched to the nearest cashpoint and made to withdraw the said amount which goes up if you argue with the doormen.
There is also a money exchange shop on the corner which you must not use at any cost, as you will be robbed of every penny you have. These guys are armed and it is made crystal clear that if you do not pay up you will either be seriously hurt or will be made to disappear.
Do NOT go into MADAME POMPADOUR CLUB on Vaci Utca.
Tips if you do find yourself in one of these places and are stuck:
Do NOT go into any money Exchange shops even if they
have the Western Union signs, you will lose every penny you have.
Do NOT argue about the price as it will just go up and up.
Do NOT mention what hotel/hostel you are staying in,pretend that you know where it is, say it is on the other side of the city and that you cant remember the name of it.
REMEMBER these guys are armed, money can be replaced, you cant.
Budapest legforgalmasabb sétáló utcájában, a Váci utcában található szép és hangulatos kis bárunk, melynek színpadán folyamatos "striptease-t és tabledance-t" láthat gyönyörű lányok előadásában.
Telefon: 06-1 267-0228
E-mail: Üzenet küldése
Honlap: navratil.freeweb.hu
Csodaszarvas, szentkorona, minden multi húzzon haza
VálaszTörlés"Vörös Csepel, zúgjon a hangod,
VálaszTörlésVáci út felelj neki!
Dunántúl, Alföld együtt a harcban
Jelszavad megrengeti, rengeti.
Nem fogunk pusztulni éhen,
Nem tűrünk csendben tovább.
Vörös Csepel, vezesd a harcot,
Kenyeret, munkát!" /Vörös Csepel/
"De itthon mégis Angyalföldön vagyok,
A Váci út s Lehel út között.
Járom az utam, a macskaköves úton,
Sok régi barát köszönt énreám." /Járom az utam/
VálaszTörlés"Már termelnek újra a gyárak,
VálaszTörlésA gépben feszít az erő,
Mert győztek a hősök, a bátrak,
A munkásoké a jövő!"
Schönleber Zoltán
VálaszTörlésblogol-/postoljon újra!